Pretty colors :)
Hey! It's an outdoor pool in Korea! Very rare and seldom used.
Me and the girls beside me (and a coworker in the back) - see how they use their peace signs differently?
I think this is the Han River but I'm not certain.
These are pretty much the only trucks I see in Korea. If you can't tell they're pretty small.
Just an example of more Korean characters for those that are curious.
I'll always be grateful to 7Eleven for providing me my first meal in Korea last year when I arrived.
That's my bank on the right - Nonghyup. It's the closest bank to the school so I can run down there (literally) during the day if I need to.
An example of what the buildings in Korea look like. It's no longer a big blur to me.
Getting ready for ziplining (2 of my coworkers in the background).